Radiation Wound

【Radiation Dermatitis Healed In 2 Weeks】

August 06,2020

A 90-year-old male, with medical history of Hypertension and Arrhythmia, was diagnosed with Stage 1 Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma in 2014. He had undergone 30 sessions of radiotherapy in 6 weeks. After the treatment, skin reaction happened and Radiation Dermatitis was developed over his neck. He was then referred to Nu Pro Nurse Centre for specialized nursing care.

Factors hindering wound healing, such as confluent skin shedding and ulceration developed in irradiated area (i.e. neck), wound covered by scab and biofilm were made by Nu Pro wound nurses. The patient also complained of pain and discomfort. Focuses were made to address these factors with professional skills and advanced treatment protocol.

To maximize the effect of advanced dressing on wound pain reduction and wound healing, Nu Pro wound nurses adapted precise design and skills for dressing application. After 2 weeks, epithelialization was achieved. Wound healed up but the skin remained relatively fragile. Remarkable reduction in discomfort including tightness, itchiness and pain were noted. Skin quality was significantly improved after a course of appropriate skin care treatment gradually.



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