Accident Injury

【Papercut Wound Infected: Healed in 2 Months】

August 17,2020

A young man aged 46 had a paper cut by accident and the wound became erythematous with increased pain. The wound was infected with an abscess diagnosed by the doctor. For this, an operation (Incision and Drainage of pus) was performed and followed with 2 times of surgical debridement done in hospital. Despite of all these surgical interventions, slough, biofilm, periwound erythema and swelling persisted.  Patient was very frustrated with the wound condition and the extreme pain experienced. He was referred to Nu Pro Nurse Centre for further wound management.

Infection control, debridement and pain management were the major focuses of this case. A wound cleanser with advanced formula was used for management of infection and facilitation of wound debridement. A combination of gentle saline irrigation and skillful debridement technique, majority of wound debris was removed successfully without any discomfort.

Advanced dressing with silver and hydrogel were used to further enhance the process of debridement while sterile strip was used to mold the shape & contour of the finger in order to avoid the wound healed up with distorted shape causing discomfort and inconvenience to his daily life.

Complete wound healing with satisfactory cosmetic & functional outcome were achieved in 2 months.



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